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        2. Truck Logistics Transportation Intelligent Network Sharing Solution

          2019-09-17 10:25:32 劉國(guó)瓊 283

          Truck Logistics Transportation Intelligent Network Sharing Solution

          2018-01-17 11:50:03 Liu Guoqiong 216

          Looking back at the big company logistics events in 2017, Yunda and SF have listed, Debon issued a prospectus, Best submitted IPO in the US, Ali held the 2017 Global Smart Logistics Summit in Hangzhou, and Jingdong and Xi'an Aerospace signed the global logistics headquarters of Jingdong. Xi'an landed, and formed a logistics subgroup and so on.

          Looking back at these logistics developments, we have moved from the original point-to-point logistics to new market performances such as wisdom, integration, cross-border, subdivision and transformation. Under the new trend, we have new starting points and new requirements.

           The total volume of China's logistics in our country has begun to take shape, entering a post-30 billion era. All enterprises have increased their codes, and the construction of logistics infrastructure network has already begun to become a system. SF, Debon, Jingdong, Ali, and Santong are in logistics. The cultivation of the field has already been strong, and the state has achieved initial results in the macro-governance of logistics. After years of development achievements, the logistics industry has begun to show new policies such as environmental protection, measurement, and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (DB11/956-2017, DB11/1475-2017, DB11/1476-2017) released, the new energy logistics vehicle is widely used in the city, indicating a new round of intelligent logistics blue ocean era.

          In the era of the Internet of Things, logistics has moved toward intelligence and has moved to a new starting point. First, there is a new model to innovate the existing organizational model and develop a complete supply chain system. Second, there are new technologies to adapt to the development of the current logistics industry. We have entered the wisdom from informationization and will enter digitalization in the future. New requirements have been put forward for software, hardware and network technology. The third is the birth of new equipment. Compared with the traditional GPS terminal and the two-user terminal, the terminal has been weak, and the segmentation of the cake and the profit of the cake. It has already killed this seemingly segmented market into a bloody sea. Members of the industrial chain are looking for new blue oceans based on new technologies, such as face recognition, fatigue detection, material management, vehicle supervision, etc. In the context of the booming new energy, new equipment will be born to adapt This intelligent trend.

          From the above three points, it is not difficult to find that under this new trend, the new model is the core, the new technology is the key, the new equipment or high-end equipment is the carrier, in the field of logistics, with the new technology, new model, new ecology The emergence of the technological revolution has promoted the deep integration of the logistics industry and the Internet, big data and artificial intelligence, bringing new development opportunities to the logistics industry.

          on this end, accelerate the transformation of the logistics industry from traditional logistics to modern logistics and smart logistics. Our logistics trucks, automobiles, especially heavy commercial vehicles, as an important carrier for the development of the logistics industry, along with the advancement of technology and the implementation of new regulations, are rapidly developing towards the direction of intelligence, network and electric.

             The opportunity for our partners is here!

          As a software service provider, the software system platform can connect vehicles, cargo owners, transportation owners and drivers through new intelligent terminals, and create multiple in-transit management systems, vehicle departure management, vehicle safety, operational assessment, and other main systems to display the user interface. Business work, basic services, and data analysis open the entire process structure.

          The hardware technology service provider manages the logistics process data of the whole process and real-time perception of the logistics vehicle, including the vehicle position speed, operating conditions and trajectory, driving health status, driver driving behavior, cargo handling and many other real-time data. Based on these data, intelligently connect key elements of cargo such as cargo owners, vehicles, gas stations, toll stations, insurance companies, ETCs, and financial leasing companies.

          Features: Power control and enabling. The first is power control, the mortgage payment method adopted by most freight logistics and transportation vehicles, the platform to check the VIN of the model, the total mileage information viewing and assessment, the return efficiency and other types of data analysis, and the power control for vehicles with financial security. In the new energy commercial logistics vehicle, the power battery display and battery life technology can be differentiated, and 100% of the power battery energy is released for the owners with good credit or full vehicle, and 10 for the driver with hidden dangers. % of the power enable mode, early warning. The main application scenario to be solved is the problem of returning mortgage funds through leasing, renting and selling, and time-shared vehicles in the automobile sales policy.

          Predictable effects: Change the current high logistics cost and low efficiency, and move towards digitalization and high efficiency. The platform's data and ETC, banks open and share, make the team's data into credit, reduce corporate bad debts, can be applied to seven sectors such as manufacturing, new retail, new business, electric commerce, logistics, conference events, new services, etc. , providing industry solutions.

          If you are interested in research, you can also add face recognition, fatigue driving detection, ADAS advanced assisted driving and so on.

          In the vehicle driver application layer, you can call and develop rigid functions and services in the navigation of trucks, car fault diagnosis, driving behavior analysis, maintenance service reservation, online entertainment, peer chat, intelligent voice interaction, remote rescue, etc. Solve the problem of driver car, fleet management, service station service management.

          TSP cloud service platform that works with car companies to create data, realizes vehicle production and sales and customer data management, vehicle fault and vehicle condition tracking, vehicle location and monitoring management, vehicle network service operation management, platform provides operational support and service process management . Last year, the heavy truck market grew rapidly, and the new energy commercial logistics vehicles doubled. Combining the advantages of our current hardware platform E7 architecture and multi-vehicle compatibility, we adopted an open API interface protocol, which is different from the traditional GPS company and realized rapid customization. . Early warning of vehicle events, driver events, early warning events, intelligent interconnection technology, vehicle control system, and fleet management system to reduce management costs and expenses for the commercial vehicle and logistics industry, create more value, and empower the logistics industry .